It's that time of year again when you can expect to receive your municipal tax notice in the mail shortly. Once you have received your notice, it's important to do one of the following:
If your property is owner-occupied in British Columbia don't forget to apply for the home owner grant. The home owner grant reduces the amount of property tax you pay for your principal residence if you pay property taxes to a municipality, or to the province if you live in a rural area.
Starting this year in BC, you will now apply for the home owner grant directly to the province (not your municipality) using a new online system that's easy to use and will process applications faster.
Once you receive your property tax notice in the mail go here to apply directly for our homeowner grant.
Get ready to apply with these steps:
Cell: 250-318-7614
Fax: 866-863-0427
Cell: 250-318-7614
Cell: 250-318-7614 Fax: 866-863-0427